Thailand’s BOI Introduces New COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Measures

At a meeting on December 21, 2020, the Thai Board of Investment (BOI) approved a series of stimulus packages aimed at encouraging local and foreign investment, as the government seeks to boost Thailand’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The additional investment incentives, which will be promoted by the BOI in the upcoming year, include […]

Thailand’s DBD Encourages Digital Company Affidavits and Corporate Document Certification

Thailand’s Department of Business Development (DBD) has released a new notification to emphasize and encourage the online issuance of company affidavits and certification of corporate documents, in an effort to prevent further spread of COVID-19 in Thailand. This notification, which was announced on January 7, came into effect on January 11, 2021. The new notification […]

The Number 1 Solution On How To Deal With Stress

We are living in crazy uncertain times. Our ‘normal lives’ are shaken to the core; businesses closing, kids at home, trying to keep your job or working long hours to keep people alive. Crashing stocks and people dying. The luxury we lived in with abundance of products, freedom and health, we took for granted. We […]