Understanding Blood Tests: Your Gateway to Informed Health Decisions

By Dr Phattheera Chauvachata Blood tests represent a cornerstone of contemporary healthcare, offering crucial insights into the body’s internal dynamics. These analyses play a pivotal role in disease diagnosis, health monitoring, and medical decision-making, uncovering subtle changes in bodily functions essential for preventive care and chronic condition management. Early Detection and Prevention Among the primary […]

Exploring the Benefits of Telemedicine for Expats in Thailand

Big data, a product of the information age, is having a profound impact on people’s lives in every facet of society. Virtual care’s popularity has skyrocketed, especially since the pandemic, thanks to the ease it offers in terms of both online and offline access to healthcare. With regard to the topic of telemedicine, our friends […]

5 Reasons why diets may not work

From Atkins to Mediterranean, Keto and Paleo, we all have encountered one or more dietary solutions to lose some weight and feel more energetic. These are merely some of the more popular names in the world as there are many other variations available, each with their own unique selling points why their proven methods are […]

The Neat Thing about N.E.A.T.

Like firing up your motorbike or turning on your coffee machine, to make things move and work, energy is required. Not rocket science so far, I hope. Be it in the form of gasoline, wind or water, the driving force behind almost any movement is adding the right fuel source to it and keeping it […]

WFH | Wellness From Home

Don’t we all hate the scale once in a while?  Situations where you stand cursing it from left to right, assuming that the display needs recalibrating, or knowing that the batteries need to be replaced?  Or where we try out a different scale to see whether our serotonin levels rise to happier levels?  Or have […]

Don’t Wait for Motivation to Start Working on your Health

The obstacle is the path Whether we feel it is not the right time or link it to emotionally challenging times, the truth is that we always face some hurdles when one wants to take that step forward. It can be time-related, having other priorities, or other circumstances that one defines as not moving into […]

Can I Trust Your Brand as Covid-19 Destroys Our Health and Finances?

“Can I get back to you once I know exactly what the situation is?’’ – That was the answer on the end of the line from one of the hoteliers I was talking to about doing an interview. Cancellations are not new to me or anyone else in the business; another Covid-19 wave hit Thailand […]